Scientific journal "Studia Ekonomiczne. Gospodarka · Środowisko · Społeczeństwo" ("Economic Studies. Economy · Society · Environment") adheres to the highest publishing standards and follows the rules of publication ethics with the obejct of counteracting unfair publishing practices. In its operations it follows the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
These standards concern the ethical rules binding a publisher, authors (and editors) as well as reviewers during each stage of publishing.
- Compliance with ethical standards – the publisher complies with the applicable publishing standards and the principles of publishing ethics, and counteracts practices inconsistent with the accepted standards.
- Criteria for accepting works for publication – the publisher decides which texts will be published. Objective evaluation of the work is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the formal and substantive aspects of the work, as well as the opinions contained in scientific reviews. The main criterion for the evaluation of the work is its scientific value, originality of the topic and clarity of the argument. All information on the publishing rules, guidelines for authors and the reviewing procedure are available from the journal's website.
- Compliance with the principle of fair play – the publisher assesses the works submitted for publication only in terms of formal and substantive aspects, and such factors as race, sex, religion, citizenship, origin, and beliefs have no influence here.
- Observing the principle of confidentiality – the publisher is obliged not to disclose information about the submitted works to unauthorized persons or persons not participating in the publishing process.
- Counteracting conflicts of interest – the publisher is obliged to ensure that unpublished texts are not used in any way without the author's written consent by persons participating in the publishing process.
- Withdrawal of publication – the publisher has the right to decide to withdraw the work from publication if: it is plagiarism, self-plagiarism or violates the rules of ethics; there is clear evidence of unreliability of test results, data fabrication and in case of unintentional errors (e.g. calculation errors, methodological errors); the research results have previously been published elsewhere.
- Caring for scientific integrity – the publisher is obliged to ensure the scientific accuracy of published works. In the case of suspicions of unfair practices (plagiarism, falsification of research results, ghostwriting and guest autorship phenomena), the work should be withdrawn from print. Cases of suspected misconduct are dealt with in line with the Standards of the Publication Ethics Committee.
- Principle of scientific reliability and originality of the work – the author is obliged to ensure the reliability and originality of the research results presented in the work, including enabling the identification of sources cited in the work and attaching a bibliography taking into account the publications that were used in the work.
- The principle of originality of the work – the author may submit for publication only his own, original and previously unpublished text.
- Principle of data sharing – the author is obliged to present to the publisher all data (unprocessed research results), also after the publication of the work.
- Principles of authorship – authors submitting multi-author texts for publication are required to disclose the contribution of individual authors to their creation. Ghostwriting or guest autorship is a sign of scientific misconduct and all cases of suspected scientific misconduct are considered by the publisher in accordance with the basic practices of the Publication Ethics Committee.
- Counteracting conflicts of interest – the author is obliged to disclose any conflicts of interest that could be interpreted as affecting the results contained in the work or their interpretation.
- Cooperation with the publisher – the author is obliged to immediately respond to any comments indicated by the publisher or reviewer at every stage of the publishing process.
- The rules regarding errors in published works – the author is obliged to report to the publisher any errors or inaccuracies discovered by himself after the publication of the work in order to correct them when reprinting or re-publishing.
- Principle of timeliness – the reviewer is obliged to observe the principle of timely execution of the review, and if he is unable to meet the deadline, he should immediately inform the publisher about it.
- The principle of confidentiality – the reviewer is obliged not to disclose the reviewed works to unauthorized persons or not participating in the publishing process.
- The principle of objectivity – the reviewer is obliged to observe the principle of objectivity when assessing the work and to properly justify any comments.
- The principle of reliability of sources – the reviewer is obliged to observe the principle of reliability of sources and to inform the publisher immediately in the event of suspicion of scientific misconduct or indicating a similarity to other works bearing the hallmarks of plagiarism.
- Counteracting conflicts of interest – the reviewer is obliged to resign from the review of the manuscript if there may be a conflict of interest with the author, and not to use the peer-reviewed manuscript for any personal gain.
Diagrams of the Editorial team conduct in the event of detection of scientific misconduct
- Last Updated: 09 January 2024 09 January 2024